Allow payment for child care services only for hours the individual participates in any of the following activities:

• employment;

• actively seeking employment (job search)

• training;

• attending class, including internet classes;

• internship that is required as part of the degree program;

• work study;

• performing Americorps VISTA duties;

• studying (must not exceed the number of classroom hours, or credit hours for internet courses, required by the program and must be used within the same week as those classroom or credit hours);

• commuting (add 1 hour of commute time for each day in a week that a parent is actively participating in an approved activity);

• resting (not to exceed the number of hours worked and only if the individual worked any 4 hours of the previous day between 10 PM and 6 AM and the child would otherwise be without care and supervision); or

• *NHEP activities *approved on the Employability Plan*.

Providers must only bill for times that the parent is participating in their approved activity each week during which time the child requires care, regardless of the approved billable hours of service that determine the level of service. Parents are responsible for paying for any hours of child care during which the parents are not actively participating in their approved activity(ies).

References: He-C 6910.16, RSA 167:83,II(c) and (o), 45 CFR 98.20