933.03 Required Verification SR 14-34, 11/14 (FAM-A)

Require verification of gross monthly income at application and at each subsequent eligibility determination.

The individual must provide verifications according to the following table:

Type of Income

Acceptable Verifications

Earned income &

Unearned income

Third-party documentation, such as pay stubs, that indicates the type of income, the gross amount, frequency, and source of payment. *


A profit and loss statement or the entire IRS tax filing of the previous calendar year, if filed.


A written and signed statement from the contributor, which indicates the gross amount and frequency of payment.

*If an income change causes benefits to decrease, first attempt to obtain verification through physical documentation or collateral contact. If unable to obtain verification through collateral contact, verify the change based on the information the client provided. No additional paper verification is needed.

References: He-C 6910.08(f), RSA 167:83,II(c) and (o), 45 CFR 98.20