After determining the allowable rate of payment, calculate the maximum allowable child care services payment per day as follows:

• 6 hours of service or less per day: number of hours of service x hourly rate.

• Over 6 hours * of service per day: 1 x daily rate.

Exceptions: Parents who work any 4 hours between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM and require resting time, or who participate in work or training activities totaling at least 12 hours and use a single provider, are eligible for payment beyond the daily rate as follows:

• 12 hours or more but less than 18 hours of service per day:

[1 x daily rate] + [hourly rate x (number of hours of service – 12)].

• 18 hours or more of service per day: 2 x daily rate.


Contract and noncontract providers caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 are eligible to receive a supplemental payment of $4.00 for any day or portion of a day the child was in care, subject to the following verification requirements:

• To be eligible for the supplemental payment for a child aged 12 and under, the disability must be verified on DCYF Form 2628, Verification for a Child with a Disability, by:

- an area agency for family centered support(s) or special education services;

- the childs school district; or

- the childs physician, psychologist or licensed social worker therapist.

• To be eligible for the supplemental payment for a child age 13 to 18, verification must be provided as required in FAM 919.01, Required Verification.