941 NH Child Care Scholarship Program Differential Payment Rates For a Child Experiencing a Disability or a Significant Special Need SR 19-23 Dated 11/19 (FAM-A)


The differential payment rate for a child experiencing a significant special need for providers caring for children with a verified significant special need is:

$50.00 per week for part-time service level;

$75.00 per week for half-time service level; or

$100.00 per week for full-time service level.


Payment is based on the hours billed and service level for any given week.


Note: The differential payment for a child experiencing a significant special need is intended to be used by the provider to assist with additional costs associated with *accommodation or additional classroom adaptation necessary to care for the child. It is not to be applied to the parent's account to reduce the cost share or co-pay.


References: He-C 6910.17(g), RSA 161:2,XII, RSA 167:83,II, 45 CFR 98.20