943.01 Assigned Co-Payment SR 08-14, 07/08 (FAM-A)

Inform individuals who do not receive FANF financial assistance, NHEP-related categorically-needy medical assistance (MA), or 12-month EMA based on loss of financial assistance or loss of NHEP-related categorically-needy MA, that they are expected to contribute to the cost of the child care they receive. Explain that the Department deducts a co-payment from the NH Child Care Standard Rate*. The Step is determined by the familys income eligibility level and family size. The Step level determines the amount of the co-pay.

Step 1: $0.

Step 2: $1.03/hour, or $6.40/day, or $32.00/week.*

Step 3: $1.60/hour, or $9.90/day, or $49.50/week.*

For all Steps: Families may be responsible for paying the difference when providers charge a rate that is higher than the NH Child Care Standard Rate.