713.21 Methods of Collection (FSM)

SR 22-25 Dated 10/22

Previous Policy


Several methods are used to collect repayments of over-issuances. See Section 621.03, Rate and Method of Recoupment. These methods are:

       lump sum payment;


       allotment reduction; or

       IRS Tax Refund Offset. See Section 713.23, When the Household Fails to Make Proper Payment.

A household must repay an over-issuance through allotment reduction if the claim has not been satisfied through a lump sum payment or establishment of an installment plan. For an IPV claim, the amount of the monthly reduction is 20% of the allotment or $20, whichever is greater.

The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) does not need to send a notice of adverse action when it begins allotment reduction. The Data Management Unit (DMU) will send the household a notice informing it of the formula for determining the amount to be recovered each month and the availability of other methods of payment.

SNAP benefits may be used for repayment instead of cash. See PART 621, RECOUPMENT/REPAYMENT OF ASSISTANCE.

The allotment of one- and two-member households cannot be reduced below the 10% or $23 monthly minimum. See PART 615, BENEFITS: FREQUENCY AND ISSUANCE.


References: He-W PART 708; RSA 161:10; 7 CFR 273.16 - .18; 7 USC 2017(a)