125.11 Combined Allotments SR 98-03, 05/98 (FSM-A)

Authorize manual issuance of an allotment for the month of application combined with the allotment for the following month if all of the following apply:

. The initial month is prorated due to an initial application, or reapplication after a break in participation.

. the application date is after the 15th of the month,

. the household is eligible for expedited service (including applicants eligible for expedited service but not receiving an allotment for the application month because benefits are prorated to less than $10), and

. the individual provided all required verification within the expedited service time frames, with all other required verifications either provided at application or postponed.

Inform households receiving combined expedited allotments that:

. if they provided all verifications, allotments will be issued on the regular mailing schedule, beginning with the third month, or

. if they provide all verifications within 30 days, allotments will be issued on the regular mailing schedule, beginning with the third month; otherwise they will receive no additional benefits.