211.03 Disqualified Individuals SR 97-27, 08/97 (FSM-A)

Certain individuals are disqualified for not complying with a program requirement.

Disqualify food stamp individuals for:

• Failure to comply with NHEP registration or participation requirements. See Part 808, New Hampshire Employment Program, for more information.

• Voluntary Quit. See Part 315, Voluntary Quit, for more information.

• Failure to comply with FS work requirements. See Part 827, Disqualification Penalties, for more information.

Disqualify TANF or food stamp individuals for:

• Being a fugitive felon and/or parole or probation violator. See Part 319, Fugitive Felons and Violators of Probation or Parole, for more information:

• Having fraudulently received multiple benefits. See Part 321, Ineligibility for Fraudulent Receipt of Multiple Benefits, for more information:

Disqualify TANF caseheads or any food stamp household member for:

Being adjudicated as an intentional program violator by a court of law, by an administrative disqualification hearing held by the Department, or by waiving their right to an administrative disqualification hearing. See 713, Intentional Program Violations (IPV), for more information.

Include the income and resources but not the needs of the disqualified individual when determining eligibility for assistance. For more information, see Part 611.05, Income of Disqualified and Excluded Individuals.