249.03 Who Is Not Eligible For Extended Food Stamps (EFS) SR 05-08 Dated 07/05

Households are not eligible for EFS if TANF cash assistance closed in part or solely due to any of the following:

• a sanction, being a fugitive felon, or IPV;

• a transfer of assets or property to qualify for assistance;

• receipt of a lump sum;

• failure to cooperate with quality control or child support;

• failure to provide verification required to determine eligibility;

• failure to complete a recertification or attend a special review appointment;

• not residing in New Hampshire;

• a client requests the assistance case to be closed, unless the request is due to saving TANF months on the lifetime limit; or

• a casehead has left the household.

Households in which all members are ineligible for Food Stamps are also ineligible for EFS.

Individuals ineligible or excluded from Food Stamps at the time that EFS is initially determined will remain ineligible for the duration of the EFS period.


References: RSA 161:4-a,IV, 7 CFR 273.26, 7 USC 2020(s)(5)