249.11 Changes During the Extended Food Stamp (EFS) Period SR 05-08 Dated 07/05

If the household only receives EFS, and is not open for another program of assistance, the household has no reporting requirements. If the household is open for other programs in addition to EFS, the household must continue to report all changes as required by those programs. Since EFS benefits are frozen and cannot be altered during the EFS period, any changes acted upon for other programs will not impact the EFS benefit amount.

If a household experiences a decrease in income, an increase in expenses, or an increase in household size, the households benefits could potentially be higher if the household stopped EFS and requested regular Food Stamps. Because benefits are frozen during the EFS period, the household must reapply for regular Food Stamps to have the households benefit allotment amount changed.


References: He-W 756.06(b), RSA 161:4-a,IV, 7 CFR 273.30, 7 USC 2020(s)(6)(A)