305.15 Qualified Aliens Eligible Only for the First 7 Years in the U.S. SR 01-17, 06/01 (FSM-A)

The following qualified aliens are eligible for the first 7 years from date of entry or date of INS action to grant applicable status:

• Refugees, from date of entry into the U.S. with such status;

• Asylees, from date of INS action to grant asylum;

• Cuban/Haitian Immigrants from date of entry into the U.S. with such status;

• Amerasian Immigrants; and

• Non-citizens whose deportation is being withheld, from the date of INS action to withhold deportation.

Once opened for benefits under the criteria specified above, an adjustment to a more limited alien eligibility status during the 7-year period does not alter the qualified aliens less rigorous eligibility status for the full 7-year period. When the 7 year period expires, terminate food stamp eligibility effective the 1st day of the month following the month containing the last day of the 7-year period unless the individual meets other eligibility criteria.