Medical Deduction SR 96-38, 07/96 (FSM-A)

Allow only those expenses incurred by household members who meet the target population criteria. Include expenses paid on behalf of individuals who were household members immediately prior to entering a nursing facility or hospital.

Allow only the amount of verified unreimbursed expenses in excess of $35. Care must be provided by a licensed practitioner or qualified health professional (e.g., chiropractor, Christian Science spiritual practitioner, doctor, sex therapist, clinical social worker, acupuncturist, clinical pastoral counselor, clinical psychologist).

• Average reasonable estimates of anticipated unreimbursed medical expenses over the certification period.

- Do not require verification or reporting of anticipated expenses as they occur during the certification period.

• Treat verified one-time costs as a one-month deduction or average over the certification period, as the individual indicates.

• Verify unanticipated changes reported by the household that occur during the certification period only if such changes are verified upon receipt and without contacting the household.

Verify unanticipated changes reported by sources outside the household that occur during the certification period only if such changes are verified upon receipt and without contacting the household.

Treat any verified changes that occur during the certification period as a one-month deduction or average them over the certification period, as the individual indicates.

Medical deductions include, but are not limited to:

• nursing facility care paid by an assistance group member for a food stamp target population member who was a household member immediately prior to entering the hospital or nursing facility recognized by the state,

• over-the-counter drugs prescribed by a licensed practitioner or other qualified health professional,

• securing a seeing-eye/hearing animal and expenses related to its upkeep,

• reasonable transportation costs ($.21 per mile for private vehicles and actual cost of public transportation),

• cost of health or hospitalization insurances (including deductibles and cost-sharing of expenses) as well as the following items:

- dentures, hearing aids, prosthetics,

- eyeglasses/contact lenses,

- lodging to obtain medical care,

- Medical and dental care,

- hospitalization,

- outpatient care,

- nursing care,

- prescription drugs,

- medical supplies,

- psychotherapy,

- rehabilitation services,

- sick-room equipment.

Exception: Exclude policies that pay lump sum benefits for death or dismemberment or pay expenses while one is disabled.