819 Food Stamp Job Search Activities SR 00-38, 12/00 (FSM-A)

All individuals not meeting one or more of the work registration or job search exemption criteria in FSM 809 must participate in job search activities. Job search is administered by NH Employment Security or any other authorized employment and training agency. Nonexempt individuals are required to do all the following:

• participate in an initial eight-week period of job search, beginning when in applicant status. Job search can be suspended and later reinstated due to an adverse job market;

• participate in a second job search period of 8 weeks within 12 consecutive months after the end of the first 8 weeks;

• after the first 12 months, participate in one 8-week supervised job search period per year. Only one 8-week period per year is required after the first year;

• actively seek employment, contacting at least 6 employers each 1-week period;

 Exception: While participating in General Educational Development (GED) training or a job search workshop, an individual must have 3 employer contacts during the week of participation;

• report to NHES in person every 2 weeks or at intervals stipulated by NHES;

• provide written job search activity forms of job contacts to NHES; and

• comply with the employability plan.

Credit individuals with completed job search requirements if they reapply and are eligible for food stamps within 1 year from the initial date of their registration in the Job Search Program.
