819 FOOD STAMP JOB SEARCH SR 97-30, 08/97 (FSM-A)

Job search is administered by NH Employment Security (NHES) or any other authorized employment and training agency. Nonexempt individuals are responsible for all the following:

• To participate in job search for an initial eight-week period, beginning when in applicant status. Job search can be suspended and later reinstated due to an adverse job market;

• To participate in a second job search period of 8 weeks within 12 consecutive months after the end of the first 8 weeks;

• After the first 12 months, to participate in one 8-week supervised job search period per year. Only one 8-week period per year is required after the first year;

• To actively seek employment, contacting at least 6 employers each 1-week period;

Exception: While participating in General Educational Development (GED) training or a job search workshop, an individual must have 3 employer contacts during the week of participation;

• To report to NHES in person every 2 weeks or at intervals stipulated by NHES;

• To provide written job search activity forms of job contacts to NHES; and

• To comply with the employability plan.

Credit individuals with completed job search requirements if they reapply and are eligible for food stamps within 1 year from the initial date of the Form 213.

NHES assesses an individuals work readiness to determine if they are ready to participate in supervised job search, or are job-ready but exempt for any reason below:

• The individual is job-attached, meaning they are reasonably expected to return to a former employer within 60 days;

• The individual is a refugee who does not yet have a social security number and is not allowed by law to work; or

• The individual lives in an excessively remote area. This is a place so remote that job search participants cannot make the required number of employer contacts and still remain under the maximum mileage reimbursement of $25 per month.