Glossary E-Words SR 94-04, 04/94 (FSM-A)

Earned Income - cash or in-kind benefits received as payment for work performed either as an employee, through the receipt of wages, salaries, tips, or commissions, or as a self-employed individual.

Earned Income Disregard - an amount which is computed and subtracted from earned income.

Equity Value - the amount of money that would be available to the owner after the sale of a resource. Determine the equity value by subtracting any encumbrances, such as the principal owed on a loan or mortgage, from the fair market value.

Excess Shelter (food stamps)- the amount remaining after subtracting 50% of the adjusted income from the total shelter costs.

Excluded Income - specific types of income which are not counted in the determination of eligibility or the amount of assistance.

Excluded Resource - real or personal property which is not counted in determining eligibility.