167.15 Scheduled Redeterminations of Eligibility (MAM)

SR 13-35 Dated 10/13

Previous Policy


Conduct a full redetermination of eligibility prior to expiration of the 12-month extended medical assistance (EMA) coverage period.

Omit other regularly scheduled FANF redeterminations during the 12-month EMA coverage period.

Prior to terminating 12-month EMA, all individuals in the 12-month EMA assistance group must be reviewed for eligibility under other medical assistance programs. Terminate medical assistance effective the last day of the 12th month of the EMA coverage period if the individual is not otherwise eligible for assistance.

Policy about redeterminations will change under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This policy will be updated to incorporate those changes at that time.


References: He-W 882.05; RSA 167:82, VI; 42 USC 1396r-6(b); 42 USC 1396u-1(c)(2)