175.01 Inmates With an Approaching Release Date (MAM)

SR 19-06 Dated 01/19

Previous Policy


Inmates of NH Department of Corrections (DOC) Correctional Facilities and inmates of county jails *may apply for any category of* medical assistance while still incarcerated.

DOC or county jail staff initiate the application process using the automated process in NH EASY or by completing all necessary forms. DHHS determines eligibility. If the paper process is used, the DOC/county jail staff person must send all information, accompanied by DFA Form 786, Inmate Application Cover Sheet, directly to the District Office for DHHS to determine eligibility.

Determine eligibility for Granite Advantage. If an inmate is not eligible for Granite Advantage, determine eligibility for Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled (APTD), Aid to the Needy Blind (ANB), or Medicaid for Employed Adults with Disabilities (MEAD) medical assistance, requesting additional verification as needed.

Determine eligibility within the time frames.* If the individual meets all other categorical requirements for the requested medical assistance program except for being incarcerated, Medicaid eligibility is placed in suspension status during the period of time the individual is incarcerated. While in suspension status, the inmate must continue to respond to all DHHS requests and continue to renew Medicaid for his or her program of assistance if the inmate is the Casehead in his or her case. If both actions are taken, Medicaid remains in suspension status and the inmate will not have to reapply for assistance if he or she becomes an inpatient in a medical facility while incarcerated or upon release from incarceration. Failure to respond to DHHS requests or to complete renewals while incarcerated will result in closure or termination of Medicaid suspension and the inmate will need to reapply for assistance upon release from incarceration or if he or she requires inpatient services at a medical facility while incarcerated.

To facilitate access to medical assistance upon the individual’s release from incarceration, DOC/county jail staff or the inmate must notify the District Office of the actual release date to ensure that the suspension is lifted and Medicaid opened upon the inmate’s release.



References: He-W 624.01(a)(8); 42 CFR 435.1009; 42 CFR 435.1010