SR 16-22 Dated 08/16

Previous Policy


Medicaid cannot pay for services for individuals who are incarcerated unless the inmate becomes an inpatient in a medical facility. However, inmates in NH Department of Corrections (DOC) Correctional Facilities and inmates in county jails may apply for, be determined eligible for, be enrolled in, and renew eligibility for any category of Medicaid. *If the individual meets all other categorical requirements for the requested medical assistance program except for being incarcerated, Medicaid eligibility is placed in suspension status during the period of time the individual is incarcerated.

To prevent Medicaid closure while the inmate’s Medicaid is in suspension status due to incarceration, the inmate, if the Casehead for his or her case, must respond to all requests from DHHS and continue to renew his or her Medicaid during Medicaid renewal timeframes.


Medicaid may pay for services for residents in transitional housing units (THU) when the THU meets certain requirements and the THU resident meets all eligibility requirements for the requested category of assistance. The following NH DOC THUs meet the certain requirements:

·         Calumet Transitional Housing Unit;

·         North End Transitional Housing Unit; and

·         Shea Farm Transitional Housing Unit.


References: He-W 624.01(a)(8); 42 CFR 435.1009; 42 CFR 435.1010