211.03 MEAD Employment-Related Requirements (MAM)

SR 13-35 Dated 10/13

Previous Policy


MEAD-eligible individuals must be employed by others or self-employed for pay.

Individuals who are eligible for private health insurance through employment or membership in an organization, at no cost to them, must be enrolled in those insurance plans in order to be eligible for MEAD.

An individual who is employed or self-employed for pay must provide documentation that the individual makes regular Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) payments.

An individual must be continuously employed by others or self-employed for pay:

. on the date of application; and

. during the eligibility determination process.

If the individual is requesting coverage for retroactive months, the applicant must be employed during any retroactive months for which assistance is requested.

An individual does not meet MEAD employment requirements if participating in training programs designed to enhance the individual's ability to obtain paid employment.

The Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) test does not apply to MEAD-eligible individuals. Individuals medically eligible for MEAD can earn more than the substantial gainful employment income limit.

However, MEAD eligibility determinations are necessary for ANB and APTD individuals whose earnings:

. exceed SGA limits; or

. are less than SGA limits and whose resources exceed medically needy limits.

Loss of Employment

If a MEAD recipient is involuntarily terminated or voluntarily quits with good cause and plans to return to work, continue MEAD coverage for 6 months beginning the day the individual becomes unemployed.

References: He-W 841.03, RSA 167:3-i, RSA 167:3-c,XII, RSA 167:6,IX, 42 CFR 435.914, 42 USC 1396a(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XV)