211.17 Extensions of MEAD Coverage Due to Unemployment (MAM)

SR 13-35 Dated 10/13

Previous Policy


If a MEAD-eligible individual becomes unemployed due to being involuntarily terminated or voluntarily quitting with good cause and the recipient plans to return to work, MEAD coverage automatically continues for 6 months, beginning the day the individual becomes unemployed.

During the 5th month of the six-month extension, individuals are notified via New HEIGHTS-generated CM0021, MEAD Extension Letter, of impending MEAD closure unless the client provides:

. proof of employment;

. a written doctor's statement that indicates:

- the individual's medical condition prevents him or her from working; and

- an estimated timeframe of when the individual will be able to return to work; or

. documentation of contacts to employers and/or employment agencies indicating the individual is seeking employment.

If the individual provides proof of continued unemployment, as indicated above, MEAD coverage may continue for one additional 6-month extension beginning on the date that the first extension expires.

References: He-W 841.03, RSA 167:3-i, RSA 167:3-c,XII, RSA 167:6,IX, 42 CFR 435.914, 42 USC 1396a(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XV)