223.02 Continuous Eligibility for Children’s and Newborn’s Medical (MAM)

SR 24-12 Dated 03/24

Previous Policy


Children from birth up to age 19, who are eligible for and receiving medical assistance on the day eligibility is determined, will have medical assistance continued for 12 months without regard to any other eligibility criteria. 12-month medical assistance is terminated on the last day of the month in which the 12th month falls.


Children’s eligibility is not terminated during a continuous eligibility period, regardless of any change in circumstance, unless:

       The child attains age 19;

       The child or their authorized representative (AR) request a voluntarily termination of eligibility;

       The child is no longer a resident of New Hampshire;

       The department determines that eligibility was granted in error at the most recent determination of eligibility due to an agency error, fraud, abuse, or perjury attributed to the child or child’s AR; or

       The child is deceased.


Newborns born to individuals who were eligible for pregnant woman’s medical assistance are continuously eligible from birth until the child’s first birthday, without requiring an application.



Note: Continuous eligibility for children applies to all categories of medical assistance with the exception of presumptive eligibility and spenddown (in and out).


References: He-W 845.02; He-W 845.03; RSA 167:68; 42 CFR 435.926; 42 CFR 457.360; 42 U.S.C. 1396a.