235.03 Verification: Community Residence (MAM)

SR 13-35 Dated 10/13

Previous Policy


Verify placement in a community residence at the initial eligibility determination and at subsequent redeterminations.

Acceptable verification documents all of the following:

. individual meets the categorical requirements for either OAA, ANB, or APTD;

. individual lives in a certified or licensed community residence; and

. DDS area agency case manager determines whether the individual is appropriate for placement in a community residence.

References: He-M 1001.02(k), He-W 601.02(r), He-W 648.03, RSA 126-A:19, RSA 126-A:20, RSA 167:7,I-a, RSA 167:27-c, 42 CFR 435.914, Section 1930 of the SSA [42 USC 1396u]