239.01 Verification: HCBC-CFI (MAM)

SR 13-35 Dated 10/13

Previous Policy


Verify categorical eligibility and medical need for HCBC-CFI at the initial eligibility determination and at subsequent redeterminations.

Acceptable verification documents all of the following:

. the individual meets categorical requirements for OAA, ANB, APTD, or MEAD;

. BEAS has determined the medical necessity for NF level of care; and

. BEAS as determined the individual's needs are met at the same or lower cost than the Medicaid NF level of care cost.

References: He-W 601.04(q), He-W PART 619, He-W 658.06, RSA 151-E:3, 42 CFR 435.622, 42 CFR 435.914, Section 1929 of the SSA [42 USC 1396t]