303.11 Qualified Non-Citizens Eligible Without Restriction (MAM)

SR 24-14 Dated 01/24

Previous Policy


The following categories of qualified non-citizens are eligible without restriction, if all other eligibility criteria are met:

·      Noncitizens who meet the military service criteria in Section 303.07Determining Qualified Non-citizen Status;

·        Refugees, from date of entry into the U.S. with such status;

·        Asylees, from date of Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) action to grant asylum;

·        Lawfully residing children under age 19 years.

·        Lawfully residing pregnant women. 

·        Cuban/Haitian Immigrants from date of entry into the U.S. with such status;

·        Amerasian Immigrants;

·        Non-citizens whose deportation is being withheld, from the date of BCIS action to withhold deportation; and

·        COFA Migrants, A citizen of the Freely Associated (COFA) States of: the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau.

Exception: Certain American Indians are eligible for medical assistance without restriction regardless of whether they are qualified non-citizens. See Section 303.09Eligibility for Certain Qualified Non-citizens.


References: He-W 606.02, He-W 816.03, 42 CFR 435.406-407, 42 CFR 435.1008, 45 CFR 233.50, 8 USC 1611-1613, 8 USC 1641


Editorial Revisions Made: 04/2024