415.03 Look-back Period for Transfers of Assets (MAM)

SR 24-03 Dated 12/23

Previous Policy


Transfers On or After 1/1/24                 


Tier 1:  One-month lookback period. Individuals who have been receiving assistance with DHHS for 3 or more years. Since these individuals have had assets previously verified, they only need to provide current information.


Tier 2:  36-month lookback period.  Individuals who are not in Tier 1 or Tier 3, a 36-month lookback period is required.  If nothing questionable is found within 36 months, then the additional search through months 37-60 is not needed.


Tier 3:  60-month lookback period. Individuals that have stocks/bonds/CDs, an annuity, trust, an IRA/other retirement account, or have transferred real property, then a 60-month lookback period is required.


       If an individual has real property, it will impact whether a 36-month or 60-month lookback period is required. If the real property search shows a transfer, then a 60-month lookback period is required. If an individual has real property, but it was not transferred, then a 36-month lookback period is required.



       In some cases, an individual may have other valuable assets. For example, a time share, life estate, boat, RV, etc. If these assets were transferred within 60 months of application, the Department will review the transfer.



Transfers on or After 2/8/06

The look-back period for all asset transfers is 60 months.


Transfer Between 8/11/93 and 2/7/06

The look-back period for all asset transfers, except for transfers where trusts are established, is 36 months.

       When a trust is established, the look-back period is 60 months.

       The 36 and 60 month look-back period pertains only to transfers occurring after August 10, 1993.


Transfers On or Prior to 8/10/93

Transfers occurring on or prior to August 10, 1993 are subject to the 30-month look-back period.


References: He-W 820.03; 42 USC 1396p, RSA 167:4, I(b)