Glossary R-words (MAM)

SR 13-35 Dated 10/13

Previous Policy


Real Property - Resources which are in the form of real estate, such as land or buildings.

Recoupment - The collection or recovery by DHHS of the value of assistance erroneously paid to an individual.

Refugee - Either an alien who has fled from a country because of persecution or fear of persecution due to race, religion, or political opinion, or an alien who has been displaced due to a natural disaster.

Regular Housing - Includes all housing types except conventional public housing and deep subsidy housing.

Rental Housing - a housing unit occupied by an assistance group in return for a fixed payment greater than zero that is agreed upon, either in writing or verbally, regardless of whether the unit is occupied by the person to whom the rent is paid, as long as the assistance group is not receiving government rental subsidies.

Resident - An individual who lives in the state voluntarily in a verified place of residence and who intends to remain and make their home in New Hampshire.

Resources - Assets or possessions which an individual owns. Examples of resources are cash, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, vehicles, or real estate.

Revocable Trust - A trust which can be revoked by the grantor, including trusts that are called irrevocable but which will terminate if some action is taken by the grantor.

Roomer - An individual residing with others and paying reasonable compensation to others for lodging, but not for meals.

Rooming Arrangement - The amount paid for furnished lodging excluding meals when residing in a rooming house or hotel, relative's home, or another person's home.

Roth Individual Retirement Account - A trust or a custodial account that meets most of the requirements of a Traditional Individual Retirement Account. Unlike a Traditional Individual Retirement Account:

. most contributions to the account are not tax-exempt;

. most disbursements from the account are tax-exempt;

. contributions can be made to a Roth after an individual reaches age 70 �; and

. an individual can leave funds in a Roth as long as they live.