157.07 Redetermination of Assistance for Individuals Discharged from NH Hospital (NHH) SR 13-35, 10/13 (MAM-A)

Individuals who are terminated from medical assistance due to admission to NH Hospital (NHH) and are discharged within 60 days from the date of admission do not have to attend a personal interview to have their eligibility redetermined for medical assistance if the individual:

• submits a completed DFA Form 782, New Hampshire Hospital Discharge Request for Reinstatement of Financial and Medical Assistance; and

• provides verification of all changes that have occurred since the individual’s last redetermination.

Exception: Individuals must reapply for benefits by attending a personal interview and submitting a completed DFA Form 800, Application for Assistance, or DFA Form 800MA, Application for Health Coverage & Help Paying Costs, if only Medicaid is requested, if any of the following conditions exist:

• the individual fails to provide a completed DFA Form 782 or verification of any change that occurred since the individual’s last redetermination;

• a redetermination was due or overdue when the individual was admitted to NHH ;

• a redetermination is due the month the individual is discharged from NHH;

• OMBP determined that the individual failed or refused to cooperate without good cause with the medical review process; or

• the individual wants to apply for:

- a category of financial or medical assistance the individual had not received prior to admission; or

- assistance other than financial or medical assistance, such as Food Stamps or Child Care assistance.