177.01 MAGI Related Coverage Groups Eligible for PE Date SR 15-07, 01/14 (MAM-A)

A qualified hospital (QH) and qualified entity (QE) who has been trained and certified by the Department may determine presumptive eligibility (PE) for the following MAGI-related medical assistance (MA) coverage groups only:

Children's Medicaid (CM), Expanded CM, and Children with Severe Disabilities (CSD);

. Pregnant Women MA;

. Parent/Caretaker Relative MA;

. Family Planning MA (FPMA);

. NH Health Protection Program (NHHPP/NHHPP-M); and

. Former Foster Care Child MA.

Exception: QEs cannot determine PE for Former Foster Care Child MA.


References: He-W 843.01, 42 CFR 435.1100 - 42 CFR 435 1110, 42 USC 1396r-1, 42 USC 1396r-1a, 42 USC 1396r-1c