230.07 Granite Advantage: Community Engagement Requirement Exemptions SR 19-03, 03/19 (MAM-A)


Certain individuals may be temporarily or permanently exempt from the Granite Advantage community engagement requirement.


Manual Exemptions

Clients are exempt from the community engagement requirement if the client is:

exempt from NHEP work requirements;

exempt from SNAP work registration requirement;

pregnant or has been pregnant in the past 60 days;

participating in a state-certified drug court program;

has a disability that prevents the client from meeting the community engagement requirement;

determined to be medically frail;

enrolled in the Health Insurance Premium Program (HIPP); or

the designated caretaker of:

children that are under 6 years of age;

developmentally disabled dependents; or

disabled household members.


Parents can claim the designated caretaker exemption for any of the parent’s children under the age of 6 regardless of whether the child lives with the parent. Whenever both parents live together and all children under the age of 6 are common between the two parents only one parent can claim the designated caretaker exemption for their shared children. However if both parents in the 2 parent household have uncommon children under the age of six both will be able to claim the caretaker relative exemption.

Example 1: A mother and father live together with two shared children under the age of 6. Both parents receive Granite Advantage. The father also has another child under age 6 who he has shared custody of a few days per week. Both parents can receive the caretaker relative exemption. The mother can receive the exemption for the shared children and the father can receive the exemption for his child.

Example 2: A mother and father live together with one shared child under the age of 6. Both parents receive Granite Advantage. Neither parent has any other children. Only one parent can receive the caretaker relative exemption.

Note: Medical Frailty is no longer a voluntary designation. Clients claiming to be medically frail must have a licensed medical health professional verify frailty to receive an exemption, even if the client was considered medically frail as part of NHHPP-M.

Automatic Exemptions

Clients are automatically exempt from the community engagement requirement if the client:

receives one or more of the following benefits:

Supplemental Security Income (SSI);

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI);

 Railroad Disability; or

Veteran’s disability benefits with any disability rating (not including spouse or survivor’s benefits);

has been approved for:

Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled (APTD);

Aid to the Needy Blind (ANB);

Medicaid for Employed Adults with Disabilities (MEAD);

Nursing Facility care;

Home and Community Based Care; or

 Home Care for Children with Severe Disabilities.


Verification of Exemptions

Clients must verify manual exemptions from the community engagement requirement.. SNAP or NHEP recipients who request an exemption from SNAP or NHEP work requirements must meet the verification requirements for SNAP or NHEP. For all other exemptions, clients must request an exemption. A licensed medical professional must verify exemptions for disability, medically frailty, hospitalization, illness and being caretaker of a disabled, developmentally disabled, or ill person. Clients must verify participation in state certified drug court programs by providing a court order.

References: He-W 511-512, He-W 837, RSA 126-A:5-b, RSA 126-A:67, 42 CFR 435.119, Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) of the Social Security Act (SSA) [42 USC 1396a(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII)], Section 1906 of the SSA [42 USC 1396e], Section 1937 of the SSA [42 USC 1396u-7]