Community Public or Volunteer Service SR 19-04, 06/19 (MAM-A)


Community, public, or volunteer service is unpaid volunteer work. Volunteer work for political organizations or campaigns does not count towards the community engagement requirement. The recipient does not need to volunteer for an organization to get credit for community engagement. For example a recipient who rakes his or her neighbor’s leaves gets credit for volunteering.


A recipient must self-attest to verify community or public service, which can be done electronically on NH EASY or by providing BFA Form 320 Reporting Monthly Participation in Community Engagement Activities, which must include the name of the agency the client volunteered for, the name of a contact person for the volunteer agency, the date(s) and hours that the client volunteered for, and the client’s signature.


References: He-W 837, RSA 126-AA:1-5, 42 CFR 435.119, Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) of the Social Security Act (SSA) [42 USC 1396a(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII)]