230.09 Granite Advantage: Marketplace Premium Assistance Program (PAP) SR 19-06, 01/19 (MAM-A)


This policy is obsolete since Granite Advantage recipients must enroll in NH Medicaid Care Management.



See DFA SR 14-04 or visit www.healthcare.gov for more information about the federally-facilitated Health Insurance Marketplace.

Per RSA 126-A:5,XXV(e)(3), *PAP is subject to cancellation upon notice.

References: He-W 511-512, He-W 841.01, He-W 841.08, RSA 126-A:5, XXIV-XXVI, RSA 126-A:5-b, RSA 126-A:67, 42 CFR 435.119, Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) of the Social Security Act (SSA) [42 USC 1396a(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII)], Section 1906 of the SSA [42 USC 1396e], Section 1937 of the SSA [42 USC 1396u-7]