237.01 Verification: Nursing Facility SR 13-17, 11/13  (MAM-A)


Verify placement and the need for nursing facility care at the initial eligibility determination.

Acceptable verification documents all of the following:

. individual meets the categorical requirements for *DFA-administered medical assistance;

. individual complied with the preadmission screening program; and

. OLTC-BEAS determines the individual's medical need and level of care for nursing facility care, unless:

- the individual resides in a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF); and

- the individual met the Medicare SNF requirements.

The SNF verifies the individual resides in a SNF and has met the Medicare SNF requirements by providing DFA Form 270R(T), Request for Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) 270 Billing Form.

References: He-W 658.05, RSA 167:4, 42 CFR 435.1009. 42 USC 1396a(a)(10), 42 USC 1396n(c), 42 USC 1396r(a)