305.07 Medical Assistance: Inmates SR 13-36, 11/13 (MAM-A)

Inmates in State Correctional Facilities with an approaching release date may apply for Children’s Medicaid or the adult categories of medical assistance while still incarcerated. Additionally, inmates may be retroactively eligible for certain types of medical assistance during any period of time the inmate was incarcerated and an inpatient of a medical facility. See Section 109.09, Application for Retroactive Medical Assistance, for additional information.

Inmates with an Approaching Release Date

The Department of Corrections (DOC) initiates the application process for Children’s Medicaid or the adult categories of medical assistance by completing all necessary forms. The DOC then sends all information, accompanied by DFA Form 786, Inmate Application Cover Sheet, directly to the District Office for DFA to determine eligibility.

Determine eligibility within the timeframes described in policy, but not before the individual is released from prison.

Exception: If an inmate with an approaching release date intends to return to the residence of a specified relative, DOC staff have the option of completing the application process for the inmate and their family or instructing the inmate to apply for benefits upon release.

Inmates Who Become Inpatients of a Medical Facility

Once the inmate has been released from the medical institution, the DOC initiates the application for retroactive medical assistance by completing all necessary forms. The DOC then sends all information, accompanied by DFA Form 786, directly to the District Office for DFA to determine retroactive eligibility.

See DFA SR 08-03 for additional information about medical assistance for inmates.

References: He-W 624.01, 42 CFR 435.1009 - 435.1010