315.03 Application Requirements for Developing Potential Sources of Income SR 13-36, 11/13 (MAM-A)

An individual must provide verification of application for other income and benefits for which they are potentially entitled no later than 30 days after the month the referral for the other income or benefit(s) was made, if:

• applying for medical assistance-only; or

• currently a recipient of medical assistance.

 Exception: Medical assistance-only applicants or recipients do not have to apply for SSI benefits. However, encourage individuals to apply.

Terminate medical assistance for all adults in the assistance group if any individual in the group is potentially eligible for a benefit and fails to apply or to accept benefits for which he or she is potentially eligible.


• 12 Month EMA cannot be terminated for refusal or failure to apply for potential benefits. See Section 167.05, Ineligibility Reasons, for valid termination reasons.

• Women who are pregnant or are within the 60-day post-partum medical coverage period cannot be terminated from medical assistance for failure or refusal to obtain third party medical coverage or cooperate with DCSS.

References: He-W 652.07, 42 CFR 435.608, 45 CFR 233.20(a)(3)(ix)