407.03 Medically Needy Medical Assistance SR 19-01 Dated 01/19


If the assistance group size is...

Countable resources must be equal to or below...







Add $100 for each additional member.

Exception: Allow an institutionalized individual with a community spouse to retain $2,500 plus the community spouse's protected share from the date of application until 1 year later. See PART 417, Resource Assessment, and PART 419, Protection of Resources.

References: He-W 601.02(v), He-W 601.07(f), He-W 856.06(d) 42 USC 1396r-5(f)(1), Chapter 3 of The State Medicaid Manual, 3262.3 (https://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/guidance/Manuals/Paper-Based-Manuals-Items/CMS021927.html)