Child Support Enforcement

Find types of enforcement actions available when an obligor is not in compliance with his/her order for support.

Enforcing an Order

When support is not paid in accordance with the court order, we will make every effort to understand why the person ordered to pay is not following the order. We may take actions that encourage that person to follow the order, or other legal actions. We or the court will decide what action to take by law and policy.

Enforcement actions we might take for not complying with the court order include:

  • License Revocation – seek to revoke, suspend or deny a license, including: 
    • Driver (operator and commercial driver’s license)
    • Occupational/Professional (medical, plumbing, teaching, cosmetology, etc.)
    • Sporting (hunting and fishing)
  • Notify Credit Bureaus – Provide credit bureaus with the amount of past due support and last payment made
  • Arrears are submitted to the Federal Offset Program monthly for tax offset and/or passport denial, based on Federal regulations
  • Place a lien against assets of the person who is ordered to pay support (personal & real property) such as
    • Financial accounts – Bank Account, Insurance Settlement, Workman's  Compensation
    • Real estate holdings – house, land, business
  • Intercept Lottery Prizes – Take any lottery prize equal to the amount of the past due support
  • Pre-Show Cause Appointment – An appointment with the Child Support worker to so the person ordered to pay support can tell us why he or she is not following the order, and why he or she should not be ordered to appear in court 
  • Show Cause Hearing – A court hearing request by us where the person ordered to pay support must “show cause” or state why he or she should not be held in contempt of court for not following the support order. This may require an immediate payment or, in certain cases, incarceration
  • Criminal Non-Support – for more information contact us

I need to change the amount of my court order. How do I do that?

Support orders can only be changed by the court that issued the original support order if: 

  • three years have passed since the date of the most recent order for support or 
  • there has been a substantial change in circumstances

Contact us, we may be able to help you with this. If you have a case with us, you can request that we review your order.  

If you don’t have a case with us, you can apply for this service here. 

If you have a NH order, you can use this "Modification Kit" to support you in doing it yourself.   You may choose to hire your own attorney for this.



How do I apply for Child Support Services?

If you are a parent or caretaker of a minor child (under 18) and the other parent is not living in your household, you can receive our services.  Just complete an Application for Child Support Services here or you can request one by sending an email to  Indicate Application Request in the subject line and include your full name and mailing address in the body if you would like one mailed to you.  

Will child support staff or the state attorney represent me?

The state’s attorney and Child Support staff assigned to your case represent the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (Department) and do not represent you or your child(ren). The state’s attorney and staff act on behalf of the Department to establish paternity; to establish, enforce, and modify child and medical support orders; and (if applicable) to obtain repayment for TANF provided for your child(ren).

We cannot help establish court orders for parenting, visitation, alimony or custody. You must do this separately and may wish to seek the advice of an attorney for these matters.

When will enforcement be started on my case?

BCSS may begin reviewing a case when there have been 30 consecutive days with no payment. License revocation may be started after 60 days of non payment.

Who decides what actions will be taken on my case?

The Child Support worker assigned to your case will decide the best actions to take to establish your paternity and child support order.

Specific laws, policies and rules must be adhered to.

Will payments be lowered when the oldest child emancipates (turns 18 or is no longer in high school)?

Your court order will not change as each dependent emancipates unless you have a "per child" order or bring your order back to court.

How long is child support collected?

Pursuant to RSA 461-A-14, New Hampshire Child Support is payable until the dependent turns 18 or is out of high school, whichever occurs later; becomes married or a member of the armed services; is declared legally dependent beyond that age due to mental or physical disability; or unless the court has otherwise ordered support to continue beyond age 18. Your court order will not change as each dependent emancipates unless you have a "per child" order or bring your order back to court. Child Support Orders issued in another state may be payable longer. You can check the Federal Office of Child Support's Intergovernmental Website for other state's regulations for age of majority.

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