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Showing 231-240 of 315 results for “test”
The Radiological Program provides the following services: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP): Provide laboratory testing as part of the continual environmental monitoring progr
NH-based Manufacturers and Bottlers All beverage and beverage concentrate manufacturers and water bottlers located in the state of New Hampshire are required to be licensed by the Department of Hea
Medicaid Transition Large Stakeholder Meetings 09/22/2023: Presentation | Video Medicaid Transition Small Stakeholder Meetings DHHS, with its partners at the University of New
People who inject drugs can help stop the spread of HIV, viral hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases by using a new (sterile) needle and syringe for each injection. SSPs are a useful tool as part o
Concord, NH – The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health Services (DPHS) is advising consumers not to consume Brandmoore Farm retail raw milk with best-b
Choose Safe Places for Early Care and Education (NHCSP) is a grant-funded program to promote practices and policies to protect children from harmful chemicals in child care settings. Our goal is to he
Services covered include: Outpatient procedures related to the diagnostic evaluation and treatment of TB disease or infection, such as: office visits, chest x-rays, lab tests, and
Our State’s Climate The extreme northern and western portions of the state are the least influenced by the moderating effects of the Gulf of Maine and thus experience more extreme cold temperatures
If you see orphaned, stranded or injured wildlife, do not try to help them yourself. You should call your local animal control officer, police department or NH Fish and Game and they will be able t
Currently, not enough data exists to describe the experience of communities experiencing inequities in achieving their best health and wellness. Recognizing the importance of elevating those exp