205.01 Verification: OAA (MAM)

SR 21-24 Dated 5/20

Previous Policy


Verify all OAA eligibility requirements at the initial eligibility determination, at redeterminations, and whenever questionable. Self-attestation is accepted unless a discrepancy occurs with the electronic verification process or the individual has self-employment income or an annuity or trust.

 Self-attestation is acceptable verification of age unless a discrepancy occurs with the electronic verification process or if conflicting evidence indicates an incorrect age.

References: He-W 606.42, He-W 642.02, RSA 167:6,I, 42 CFR 435.4, 42 CFR 435.520, 42 CFR 435.522, 42 CFR 435.914, 45 CFR 233.10(b)(2), 45 CFR 233.39, 42 USC 306(a)