205.01 Verification: OAA (MAM-A)

SR 13-35 Dated 10/13

Previous Policy



Verify all OAA eligibility requirements at the initial edibility determination, redeterminations, and whenever questionable.

Verify the individual's age at the initial eligibility determination and anytime conflicting evidence indicates an incorrect age. Acceptable verification of age is documentation from a third party that substantiates the individual's age.

References: He-W 606.42, He-W 642.02, RSA 167:6,I, 42 CFR 435.4, 42 CFR 435.520, 42 CFR 435.522, 42 CFR 435.914, 45 CFR 233.10(b)(2), 45 CFR 233.39, 42 USC 306(a)