To determine income eligibility for medical assistance in the upcoming sections, you may need to refer to the following parts of this manual:
. Chapter 200, Program Criteria - This chapter describes household composition (who is included in the assistance group), the different programs, and living arrangements.
. Chapter 500, Income -- This chapter describes the types of income and the appropriate treatments (excluded vs. countable and earned vs. unearned).
. Chapter 600, Standards and Budgets - Refer to the following sections:
- 601, Income Limits;
- 603.01, Earned Income Disregard (EID);
- 603.03, Employment Expense Disregard (EED);
- 603.05, Adult Standard Disregard; and
- 605, Deductions.
The computation of income varies according to the category of assistance requested and living arrangement. Use the following chart to determine which section describes the budgeting procedure for the specific type of assistance requested and living arrangement.
For individual requesting or residing in... |
see PART... |
. Independent Living (financial or medical assistance) . Residential Care Facility . Community Residence (Enhanced Family Care Facility) . QMB, QDWI . SLMB, and SLMB135 |
. MAGI |
617 |
. Nursing Facility |
. In and Out Medical Assistance |