Chemistry Program

The NH Public Health Laboratories (PHL) Chemistry Program works to protect public health by providing clinical, toxicological, and food testing services.

The Chemistry Program works with health officers, Food Protection personnel, law enforcement agencies, and federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).The Chemistry Program works with health officers, Food Protection personnel, law enforcement agencies, and federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Ongoing Activities Include:

  • Chemical Emergency Response – NH PHL is part of the Laboratory Response Network for Chemical Threat Preparedness (LRN-C).  As a Level 2 LRN-C lab, NH PHL maintains testing capabilities to respond to exposures from chemical threat agents such as cyanide, toxic metals, and toxic industrial chemicals.  In addition, NH PHL responds to new and emerging threats and maintains LRN-C Level 3 capabilities by performing outreach to local hospitals.
  • Food Emergency Response and Product Testing – NH PHL is part of the Food Emergency Response Network (FERN) and also performs testing of food produced in New Hampshire as well as nationally-produced and imported retail food products. NH PHL participates in food defense and food safety activities including surveillance, rapid detection, and surge capacity for large-scale food-related emergencies, including intentional adulteration of the food supply. NH PHL is ISO 17025:2017 accredited to perform human food surveillance testing for toxic elements.
  • Opioids Biosurveillance – NH PHL responds to the opioid epidemic by performing opioid testing of urine samples to monitor non-fatal overdoses for public health surveillance.  By identifying the opioids present at the time of non-fatal overdose, the resulting data help to determine the trends of opioid usage and inform harm reduction measures and public safety initiatives.